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World's largest Flight Simulator Weekend returns to Aviodrome

The weekend of March 16 and 17 is all about aircraft simulators during the Flight Simulator Weekend at Aviodrome Aviation Museum. The worldwide community of aircraft simulator enthusiasts comes together here.

This is the largest flight simulator event in the world: nowhere in the world are so many simulators on display and so many aspects related to aircraft simulators coming together as this weekend at Aviodrome.

Global community
The community has some 500,000 members worldwide. General manager of Aviodrome Coen Hoozemans: "For fans there are only two events where they can come together, in the United States and in Lelystad. Nice that we can open the museum to this passionate group."

All sorts of aspects of the simulators will be on display throughout the weekend. Co-organizer of the weekend Niels Voogd: "From the hardware of the simulators, which includes the control sticks, pedals and the like, to the software, think of the airports and flight paths on your screen. From complete aircraft simulators to separate ad-ons, such as special navigation gadgets. It will all soon be found in Aviodrome!"

Niels continues, "And we will also engage the rest of the global community during FS Weekend. A panel discussion can be followed live online. The previous edition had a reach of 20,000 fans! It's a trend that's doing well with gamers."

Over sixty companies are going to exhibit products and expertise in Aviodrome. It will be possible for visitors to test out a number of simulators and attend workshops. Hoozemans: "Aviodrome's collection also includes a number of simulators. Under the guidance of our passionate volunteers, the simulators will also be accessible this weekend!"

The FSWeekend can be visited with a regular ticket. Museum Card and Friends Lottery VIP card holders have free admission.

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