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Festive art exhibition on 120 years of aviation history in Aviodrome

The Club of Dutch Aviation Painters (CNLS) is celebrating its 40th anniversary with an exhibition at Aviodrome. The temporary exhibition can be seen starting June 28 and is entitled: Geronk in de Hemel.

The CNLS will exhibit several works from its 120-year rich aviation history. The artworks are on display in a special area for temporary exhibitions at the museum in Lelystad. Every two months, the theme of this exhibition changes. The first theme to be featured is the Jet Era: the period from 1939 when the first jet aircraft were put into service.

The artworks on display are created in a variety of styles and ways, from oil paint to digital art and from watercolor to linocuts.

The CNLS was founded by Gerrit Zijlstra, along with four more members, on June 25, 1983. "The founders are no longer among us, but now, forty years later, there are still 16 members, 11 of whom actively create aviation art and will exhibit the works." says organizer and active member Henk Uitslag. He continues: "The members all have different professional backgrounds, including some (former) pilots. We know that there are many more people actively painting aviation art, but they do not dare to come forward. Besides displaying the artworks, we also hope to inspire visitors to become members."

The temporary exhibition will be on view through Dec. 30, 2023.

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