![[object Object]](https://a.storyblok.com/f/151320/82ef2fd885/bart-smulders-daken-van-glas.jpg/m/3840x0/filters:fill(transparent):quality(75))
Exhibition drone photography
The world looks very different from the air. How different? That can be seen during the Drone Photography exhibition on display at Aviodrome from April 13 to May 12.
The exhibition features works by eight members of the Royal Photographic Association's national drone photography group.
The aerial photographs on display feature both clearly recognizable landscapes and abstract images in which patterns and figures play the leading role. The creators have used both color and black-and-white photography
The photos were taken over greenhouse areas, a Wadden Island, fairgrounds, and infrastructure such as traffic circles and bridges, among others.
The exhibitors are:
Anita Riemersma, Miriam Evers, Theo Heus, Dick Mandemaker, Bert Magermans, Frans Moquette, Evert Jan Westra and Bart Smulders.
Exhibition drone photography can be visited with a regular ticket. Museum Card and Friends Lottery VIP card holders have free admission.
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