Gifts and bequests
By donating or bequeathing to Aviodrome Aviation Museum, you make a valuable contribution to the development of the museum and its goal of telling the stories of Dutch historical aviation.
It is possible to donate objects or funds to Stichting Collectie Aviodrome. All donations, large or small, are very welcome.
Donation of objects
Aviodrome gratefully accepts objects related to (Dutch) historical aviation as donations. Small objects can be handed in at the museum reception, where we will draw up a donation agreement.
If you wish to donate large objects, inheritances or entire collections to Aviodrome, please contact our Collection Management Department to see if your objects can be added to the collection (make an appointment via collectiebeheer@aviodrome.nl).
Donation of assets
Donations of assets can be made once or periodically by transferring to the Aviodrome Collection Foundation bank account.
NL60 ABNA 0599127449 t.n.v. Stichting Collectie Aviodrome
ANBI | RSIN: 852303385
The Aviodrome Collection Foundation has been designated as a Cultural ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling). This gives you as a private person various possibilities to deduct donations to the foundation from your income tax up to 125% of the amount of your donation.
One-time donations can be deducted on tax returns under certain conditions. For more information see Are donations to charities deductible?
For a periodic donation of at least five years, the tax authorities offer you additional benefits. This can be done through a notarial deed or by drawing up an agreement with Aviodrome. For more information, see: Periodic gifts and regular gifts - what exactly is the difference? Exactly how this works out for your situation is best discussed with your tax advisor.
If you, as a donor, wish to donate capital, it is possible to link a destination to this. For example, the restoration of one of our (airworthy) aircraft, the development of an educational program, the purchase of a collection item or ... this is at the discretion of the donor. We are happy to discuss this with you, please contact the Manager Collection (via collectiebeheer@aviodrome.nl).
If it is not the donor's aim to donate during life, it is also possible to include Aviodrome Collection Foundation as a legatee or (co-)heir in the will. Should this be your wish, Aviodrome can provide you with more information about this. Ultimately you will need to have this notarized.
A bequest is a gift described in a will, such as a work of art or set amount of money that you leave to Aviodrome after your death. The bequest is removed from the estate, and then the remaining portion of the estate is divided among the heirs. In practice, a percentage of the inheritance is often chosen instead of a fixed amount. This is to prevent the bequest from being out of line with the size of the inheritance at death.
It is also possible to include Aviodrome as a (co-)heir in addition to, for example, family members, friends and charities. If Aviodrome is named as a co-heir, then you determine how his/her estate will be divided between all heirs. For example, that each heir receives a certain percentage.
Management of funds
Funds of the Aviodrome Collection Foundation are managed by the foundation board which is independent from the operating company. Allocations of funds are decided by majority vote in board meetings. More information about the foundation, including the annual accounts, can be found here.