Junkers 52
- 18,90 m
- 29,25 m
- 115,50 m2
Wing area
- 4,50 m
- 3 x BMW 132T radial engines, 715 hp (533 kW) each
- 265 km/hour
Top speed
- 2.99 m/sec
Rate of climb
- 870 km
Flight range
- 6,510 kg
Empty weight
- 10,990 kg
Max. Starting weight
- 3 people
- 18 para troopers
Number of passengers
This aircraft was designed in 1931 and is the most built European transport aircraft in history. The Ju-52 was used by the Luftwaffe during World War II primarily for transporting equipment, paratroopers and ground troops. The fact that Germany lost 327 (including 220 Ju-52s) of the total 986 aircraft deployed within five days of war most likely contributed to the failure of the planned invasion of England in August 1940.