Hawker Hunter
Learn about the Hawker Hunter, an aircraft used by the British Royal Air Force.
- 1956
First flight
- 13.98 meters
- 4.01 meters
- 10.25 meters
- 32,40 M2
Wing area
- 1x Rolls-Royce Avon with 3654 kgf
- 1,150 km/h
Top speed
- 87.40 m/sec
Rate of climb
- 715 km
Flight range
- 6,406 kg
Empty weight
- 10,796 kg
Max. Starting weight
- 1
The British Hawker Hunter is considered by many to be the best transsonic fighter. The Hunter has a 35ยบ angle arrow wing, a single jet engine with air intakes in the wing root and a high tailplane. This jet fighter can break the sound barrier when making a dive.
The Hunter F.1 enters service with the British Royal Air Force in 1954 as the successor to the Gloster Meteor. The Royal Air Force flew several versions from 1656 to 1968. Dutch Hunters served in 1962 in New Guinea, among other places. Fokker built 375 Hunters under license, mostly for the Dutch and Belgian air forces.