Fokker S.14
Meet the Fokker S.14, a training aircraft with a unique setup.
- 1951
First flight
- 13.30 meters
- 4.70 meters
- 12.00 meters
- 31,80 m2
Wing area
- 1x Rolls-Royce Nene turbojet, 2,315 kgf
- 862 km/h
Top speed
- 16.30 m/sec
Rate of climb
- 910 km
Flight range
- 3,970 kg
Empty weight
- 5,550 kg
Max. Starting weight
- 2
The first Dutch jet aircraft built by the Fokker factories is the S.14 "Machtrainer. It is also the world's first jet aircraft developed specifically for fighter pilot training. The S.14 made its first flight on May 19, 1951, and was used for fighter pilot training in the Royal Air Force between 1955 and 1967. Partly because the Americans provide free Lockheed T-33 jet trainers, the S.14 does not get a real chance to become successful.
In the S.14, the instructor and student sit side by side, an unusual arrangement for this category of trainer. The aircraft was very popular with pilots because it flew pleasantly, partly due to the V-position of the wings. Also, thanks to its large-area straight wings, the S.14 could land at much lower speeds than most jet aircraft of the time. The wide hull does have a negative impact on the maximum speed.