Fokker Dr-I
- 5,77 m
- 18,70 m2
Wing area
- 2,95 m
- 1 Oberursel Ur.II 9-cylinder rotartie engine, 110 hp( 82 kW)
- 185 km/hour
Top speed
- 5.7 m/sec
Rate of climb
- 300 km
Flight range
- 406 kg
Empty weight
- 586 kg
Max. Starting weight
- 1 person
- 2 x 7.92 mm Spandau lMG 08 machine guns
This triplane was a World War I fighter built in Germany by Dutchman Anthony Fokker. The German army ordered this Dr-I "Dreidecker" in 1917, as a counterpart to the successful British Sopwith triplane. The plane was not fast, but its short wings made it extremely maneuverable and it could climb quickly. In order to fire on the enemy, Fokker developed an ingenious synchronization system, in which firing by the machine guns was interrupted if the (rotating) propeller blades were directly in front of the machine guns.