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Make a case for War Child at Aviodrome

Make your case for War Child during the Plane Pull on Saturday, September 19! This unique event will take place at Aviation Theme Park Aviodrome. During the War Child Plane Pull, teams get the chance to (rope) pull a 46,000-kilogram Fokker 100 aircraft forward. In this way, participants literally make a case for War Child, as the event raises money for children in war zones.

Through the website of foundation Sporters in Actie teams can register for this unique event. The registration fee is € 17.50 per person (also entrance ticket for Aviodrome); an amount which will be donated by the Aviation Theme Park in Lelystad on behalf of all participants to War Child.

Strongest man

By the way, the entire day at Aviodrome is dedicated to the theme of "flight and strength. Indeed, in addition to the plane pulling, participants can also participate in various other challenging activities, including a number of 'Strongest Man' parts as they are known from television.

NK Truck Towing

Whether you are participating in the Plane Pull or visiting Aviodrome as a supporter/spectator: there is plenty to do throughout the day. For example, the finals of the NK Vrachtwagen Trekken for duo's will take place, you can enjoy live music and various attractions (also for kids). Literally too much to mention. In addition, everyone can of course enjoy all the airplanes and the other beautiful and fun things Aviodrome has to offer.

For more information and to register for the War Child - Plane Pull, please visitwww.sportersinactie.nl.

Athletes in Action

Foundation Sportsmen in Action organizes sporting events to benefit charity. Since 2012, the foundation has organized several successful events. Chairman Marc Agtersloot is wildly enthusiastic about the Plane Pull at Aviodrome: "How often do you get the chance to pull a plane? That's a challenge you can't pass up. Especially now that this is combined with an action for War Child, there is every reason for sports enthusiasts from all over the country to sign up en masse.

Theme Aviation Park Aviodrome Lelystad

At Aviodrome you fly through the entire national aviation history. In the museum but also in the T2 Hangar and at the outdoor exhibition you can view many aircraft. From hot air balloon to aluminum aircraft and from various Fokker aircraft to a real Boeing 747. Aviodrome: the most fun flying destination in the Netherlands!

War Child

War Child's mission is clear: to help as many children as possible in conflict areas process their war experiences with protection, psychosocial assistance and education, and to ensure that they can build a peaceful future together in a safe environment. Because children don't belong in war. Never.