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Book launch Henk van Wezel at Aviodrome

The great wish of Henk van Wezel, founder of the National Space Museum (now part of Aviation Theme Park Aviodrome in Lelystad) is about to become reality. After a successful crowdfunding campaign, his life story will appear in book form with the title: 'A disability... So what? The life story of a go-getter'. Astronaut André Kuipers wrote the foreword to this book. The book launch will take place on Saturday, January 30, from 3:30 p.m. at Aviodrome.

Born in 1944 on the former island of Wieringen, it became clear after a few years that Henk was suffering from a severe handicap in the form of a severe spasm. Thanks to the enormous perseverance of his parents and Henk himself, he made it many times further than expected in those first years of his life. His greatest wish was to be able to publish the story of his life in book form in order to set an example for fellow sufferers. Henk did not throw in the towel and he hopes that others will not either.

'A disability ... so what?

Writing a book with one finger because of his spasm, that was too difficult a task. Fortunately he was supported by Siebe Haagsma who started working with him. Gradually it turned out that Henk could do more than he had expected. Once the frame of the book was ready and the first chapters written, he succeeded step by step in weaving the letters into words and composing page after page. Eventually the book grew into an admirable whole of no less than 335 pages.

National Space Museum

Starting in 1959, the evolving space race was Henk's greatest hobby. Moving from Amsterdam to Lelystad, he saw an opportunity to set up a private museum, which was eventually opened by one of the most famous former Dutch astronauts and scientists Wubbo Ockels. Even CNN came at the time for an impression recording. Meanwhile, Henk's life's work is housed in Aviation Theme Park Aviodrome in Lelystad where it can be admired daily. Henk was special not only in functioning as a full-fledged citizen, but certainly also in his passion for the museum and the large amount of documents, sound recordings and objects he managed to collect in the course of 50 years.

Book launch

On Saturday, Jan. 30, Henk's book will be presented at Aviodrome's space exhibit. The exposition consists for the most part of the collection that Henk collected in his life. People who have ordered a book can pick it up there and toast the result of his life's ambition together with Henk. People interested in purchasing the book can do so through the Space Museum website (www.nationaalruimtevaartmuseum.nl).