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4D film Skymania premieres at Aviodrome

Bringing the history of Dutch aviation to the attention of (young) visitors in a spectacular way. That was the task Aviation Theme Park Aviodrome set itself when producing a new film for its own cinema. Aviodrome certainly succeeded in that goal! The 4D film Skymania (with lots of special effects) will premiere on June 22 at the Aviation Theme Park in Lelystad!

The new film is a twenty-minute 4D experience with various special effects such as wind and precipitation. It is an exciting adventure for all ages, a mix of animation, real footage and archive footage featuring various aircraft that are part of Aviodrome's museum collection, such as Anthony Fokker's 'The Spider', the red Fokker DR.I Triplane (known from WWI as airplane hero The Red Baron) and the world-famous Douglas DC-2 Uiver. Of course, Aviodrome's Boeing 747 cannot be missing from Skymania either.

Main roles

The well-known actor Dragan Bakema plays an important role in the film. However, the main roles are played by the young actors Enzo (10 years old, from Enschede) and Madelief (11 years old, from Goirle).

Madelief Broos found it very special to play in the film, "It was a very special experience. I learned, saw and enjoyed a lot. I thought it was really special to be in the old planes. When re-enacting the Uiver's homage on the lookout tower of the 1930s Schiphol Airport recreated at Aviodrome, my dream came true as lots of people cheered me on. It was also really great to spray Enzo wet with a flower."


Enzo Arseni has played in musicals before, so now he was chosen to co-star in a real movie: Skymania! "Super cool that I got a leading role. I had to get used to all those cameras, but it was a great experience. I worked hard, had long days and learned a lot. I am also very curious about the end result. Especially because it's a 4D film: very special!"


Enzo and Madelief are very curious about the public's reaction, "Hopefully everyone will come to see the film and also the rest of Aviodrome. The park and the film are really worth seeing. The premiere is on June 22. We will of course be there. Very exciting."

The film revolves around two worlds. The real world in which we are introduced to the young heroes Thomas and Elsa. Then there is the world in which the fantasy of the two airplane-loving children comes to life. Thomas and Elsa try to outdo each other in terms of aircraft knowledge. Visitors to Skymania learn in a fun way about the pioneering years of Dutch aviation (1910 - 1940) as well as about civil aviation and the development of technology in the period up to the present.

Free tours

From June 23 (the first day after the film's premiere) through July 6, there will be free daily tours of the planes from the 4D film Skymania. The tours take place at 11 a.m., noon, 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.. Pre-registration is not required.